Social Responsibility Policy
The Social Responsibility Policy requires that, in line with the company mission, the management of all company processes is set up with the rules of application of the Social Responsibility Management System, according to the ISO 26000:2010 guidelines.
Top Management has taken upon itself the commitment to operate consistently with the principles of the ISO 26000:2010 standard through transparent methods and systems aimed at detecting and meeting the expectations of the main stakeholders: customers, suppliers, employees, the community .
The consistency of the Social Responsibility Policy with the corporate strategies in place is assessed by the Management and periodically reviewed to verify its congruity with the corporate logic.
The Management has formally assumed responsibility for the following commitments:
- comply with national, EU and international laws on labor and workers’ rights, on the environment, privacy, anti-corruption by complying with the provisions contained in official documents and their interpretations;
- maintain the social responsibility requirements over time and adapt to any new requirements that may be required;
- ensure periodic monitoring and continuous improvement of the management system implemented by defining specific improvement objectives during the meetings of the Social Performance Team and verifying their achievement also through a panel of significant indicators;
- ensure adequate training and information on ethics and social responsibility for all personnel;
- make suppliers aware of the principles of social responsibility and the code of ethics;
- carry out first-party audits aimed at ascertaining compliance with social requirements, then adopt all necessary corrective and preventive actions;
- document and communicate to stakeholders the commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility also through the drafting of the Sustainability Report.
At the organizational level, the following have been designated:
- The person in charge of the Social Responsibility Management System;
- The Social performance team made up of members of senior management, the Head of the Social Accountability Management System and members of the workers who represent the body responsible for monitoring the Social Accountability Management System.
The Management considers this Policy the reference framework for the management of its Social Accountability Management System and for the annual definition and review of its specific objectives.
The Policy is disseminated to all collaborators of MY ADVISOR SRL BENEFIT COMPANY and made available to the remaining Interested Parties via the company website.
The Management has defined a Code of Ethics as a fundamental tool for pursuing the objectives set in accordance with this Social Responsibility Policy.